What were the conditions that led to the antisemitic terrorism in 1929 in Hebron, before the existence of the state of Israel? Or in November 1938 in Austria?
What were the conditions that led to the antisemitic terrorism in 1929 in Hebron, before the existence of the state of Israel? Or in November 1938 in Austria?
Sorry, are you complaining about Hamas wielding terrorism, or are you complaining about terrorism wielded by people throughout history?
Because Hamas has only existed a couple of decades at best, but we would be here forever analyzing which conditions created exactly which bombing campaigns for which people "needed" to be hurt by them
What were the conditions that led to the antisemitic terrorism in 1929 in Hebron, before the existence of the state of Israel? Or in November 1938 in Austria?
Sorry, are you complaining about Hamas wielding terrorism, or are you complaining about terrorism wielded by people throughout history?
Because Hamas has only existed a couple of decades at best, but we would be here forever analyzing which conditions created exactly which bombing campaigns for which people "needed" to be hurt by them
User banned and comments removed; this is a serial harasser who keeps coming back after me under different names over the years.
You don't really want to continue this do you?