You suggest running away and giving ground to Nazis. Allowing them to platform and mainstream Nazism. First rule of Fascism Resistance is Do Not Comply. Timothy Snyder. You typed up all the relevant information you believed to be needed. Explanations take time. You are very thorough and it’s appreciated. I We Persist to Resist. Substack will have to kill my account like Xlon Xusk did countless times. Ok 5. I think. 🤔 I signed back up under an alias. I we had used our Stephanie Anne Trump name. People thought I was JOKING about being a Trump. 🤦🏻♀️. It’s literally the story of our Life. People don’t believe the words we say.
There was an entire war fought with Nazis over their ideas in which an estimated 15-20 million people died and resulted in the military and political defeat of Nazis and their ideas. One would think that should be enough for the head of Substack.
Thanks for explaining. I'm one of the people who is on Substack because you are, but I'm reaching the jump off point for Substack. I understand that your email list is portable, so I hope that if I jump before you do that our connection isn't severed for very long.
My calculus is this: It's a Nazi bar now, because of the bar owner. That's not going to change. I have to vote with my small beer.
What's with all the profanity and ad hominems on the part of the nominal good guys here in this debate! I'm reading a lot of "shit" language tossed around. Maybe, just maybe, that vehemence can be vented in a different manner?? Shock value grabs attention, true, but there is such a thing as stimulus extinction and all the cursing gets old, tired and banal pretty fast. A good cause, so why self-marginalize? Think!
This isn't a debate. That's sort of my whole point. And if you need nice language to choose a good cause, you, not the language, are the source of that cause's marginalization.
Please enjoy this essay on the difference between profanity and obscenity.
Thanks for the quick response,! No, I view the issue as advocacy. Fascism must be opposed,there's no debate. Tactics are all important. In my younger years I took to the streets and was tear gassed on several occasions, at another time I was held in a pen with my. brothers and sisters and. have the police walking around taking our photographs. These were badges of honor in the old days
and we.too threw f-bombs around liberally. Those were the tactics then. But looking back I see they were faulty. We marginalized and trivialized our selves, but far worse, as its representatives, we trivialized our cause. We actually strengthened the reactionaries and they rose to power on our arrogant contempt for the sentiments of the People. Nixon, Reagan, Trump, the current supreme court-- all our faulty tactics.. don't let the righteousness of your cause blind you to our mistakes. Don't self marginalize. Consider who you must bring to your side. Think! ..
To attempt a reasonable reply to my own rhetoric: "Ah, the Old Left is heard from! You are all a spent force. Tell your war stories to each other in the nursing home! Your times are not ours. We don't care for your Port Huron statements or your peace symbols. Your times are past. Your tactics were flawed, possibly. But we of this time will decide OUR tactics, not you. You should be the ones to think! For all your protests, all your direct actions, just what did you achieve? NOT A DAMN THING, flower children. Why on earth should we listen to you?
Fair enough. I rest my case and stand by my advice.
One last worth of caution to the new left. It's worth pondering.
Debs was relevant in his time, was jailed, ran for President. He was a man of the people. He really desired their uplifting from forces that oppressed them. In every way he could, he worked to achieve their prosperity, peace, and freedom. Yet his loved people never chose him. He never was elected President. Was Debs wrong or were the people? American progressives must always face this koan. Until we solve it, we are defeated generation after generation. We don't understand the true power. Not understanding it, we again and again repeat our past mistakes.
Are we? I mean, sure, if your goal was Socialist States of America, I guess you could say we didn't win that one, but do you not see any wins by American progressives in all your time on this Earth?
Nothing major I see. But there is incremental progress I think. A
series of small victories, the reactionaries are being pushed back. The conservatives are increasingly losing touch with the people, I hope, as they continue their implosion into marginality.. they have become extremists and the extremes are by definition out on the margins... Like my generation they are being left behind by demographics alone. When the boomers and their children are gone their power should be much diminished. But don't ever underestimate the Right- it's ranks are continually replenished by the young and ambitious and they are sbdolute masters in marketing and gaming the system.
I wouldn't have minded Socialism. It is a scare word the Right trots forth year after year, but isn't it just another word for fairness? When you and your sister sit at a table and your mother puts a cake in front of you and says, "Divide it." Is it fair that the bigger of you two, take the lion's share? That's all that Socialism ever seeks, the fair distribution of utilities and justice. I wouldn't mind a socialist America at all. And no, it wouldn't be the Socialist States of America, it would still be the USA, just a kinder, gentler version.
The thing about "defeat nazi ideas in the marketplace of ideas" always leaves out is that the whole fucking world put nazi ideas on trial and found them abhorrent enough to put most of the nazis to death. I'm pretty sure we soundly defeated nazi ideas last time they were given a marketplace.
Though to push analogies further, unlike the finality of a trial (after appeals are exhausted, anyway… cue Hamlet to say something about the law's delay), the marketplace is always ready to serve up a sequel.
“which keeps the Nazi voices sequestered to their part of the platform, and this may be true enough for now, I suppose”
Unfortunately it is not. I actually suspect their algorithm is set to drive engagement via pushing offensive content. I base this on the number of times truly heinous bullshit under the guise of the “just asking questions” type of libertarian dudebro edgelord techbro pseudo intellectual styled writer is shoveled at me via “recommendations.”
This despite my subscriptions, paid and otherwise, being 100% *truly liberal* in orientation.
I don’t like the idea of nazi tolerating (at BEST and most GENEROUS interpretation) people getting a thin dime of my money. But I’m also not willing to leave you or the other writers I want to support high and dry.
You said exactly what I was feeling/thinking much better.
It's been a lifelong dream for me to be a writer and when the opportunity landed in my lap earlier this year, I went for it. I found a fucking amazeballs community here that gave me so much support and inspiration and where my biggest cheerleaders when I announced that two of my stories had been accepted for publication next spring. I still have my day job, but I've spent the past few days taking down my work. I'll keep writing and submitting stories but I'm not going anywhere else for now. Like you, I'm furious at Substack for forcing my hand.
Very well written. I'm following you to see if you come up with a new platform, as I'm moving soon as well. My gramma had a saying "If you lie with the dogs, you'll end up with fleas."
I'm leaning towards self-hosting. Although the friction is a bit more than just a migration like "from Substack to XYZ", it also removes any possibility of that target platform sliding down the enshittification slope. With RSS still working, software that can automatically send out emails, and OSS podcasting packages, I'm thinking it's possible to self-host both blog and podcast. Then again, I'm just one small voice, just a gamer who shares their joy every now and again, not my income, so that is possible for me to do.
Most of what I would say has been said above. I’ll be following you wherever you go, because I think what you have to say is really worth reading. I am disappointed in Substack and its principals. I’ll leave and not look back.
Simplistic and aspirational thought: Too bad we can't each of us reading here open a substack on why the Nazis are horrible and write daily about that. What platform isn't going to be going down the X-hole at some point? (I think I am just summarizing here what others have said, I just read the post.)
Nazi ideas reveal intentions, intentions drive actions, actions involve violence. Your slippery slope argument cuts both ways, doesn't it? If Substack grants your wish and boots today's "Nazis," what happens next? We know perfectly well, because we've seen this picture before. The mob will be back tomorrow with a list of "Nazi-adjacent" writers to boot next. By this time next week, the site will read like a UN press release, with only the emptiest pieties allowed.
Or perhaps you'll demand a more activist editorial slant? Antifa taught us all that the slope between ideas and violence may indeed be slippery as you suggest. The "anti-Fascists" turn out to be thuggish brownshirts, indistinguishable from what they nominally oppose. It's a curious moment to label yourself an "anti-Nazi."
It is almost 2024 and we now have to entertain “first they came for the Nazis” discourse. What a sad state of events.
Since you profer this argument:
«We know perfectly well, because we've seen this picture before.»
May I ask what is this particular picture and where have we seen it before?
And please, I am not asking about encroachment of freedom of speech in the name of security. We have seen that many times, including in Nazi Germany.
I am asking about the curtailment of Nazi propaganda in particular leading to this sort of slippery slope you're describing, because I can't think of any time this has happened.
An even more curious moment to label yourself as "anti-anti-Nazi," and to set your sights on anti-fascism and antifascist movements.
Anyway, if you expect me to address your nonsense point-by-point, you'll have to take it to Twitter, where I do it for free. If you want to do it here, I'm going to have to insist you sign up for a paid subscription.
You don't even offer a mild challenge, and someone with even a bit of perception can see that engaging with you as a serious person would be a waste of time. That might be why you've been looking for such a long time.
I can't say it's been nice knowing you, but at least it's been short.
I absolutely want to keep reading you so even though I have been quietly unsubscribing from a lot of substacks I'm keeping this one so I can find out where you go.
I'm trying to solve this problem for myself, because tinyletter is shutting down and I decided to move in the new year. and then substack went and pulled this shit and thanks for doing it before I shuffled my subscribers over here? but I don't know where I can put 998 subscribers (literally that's the number) anywhere that isn't going to *cost me money* to the tune of hundreds of dollars a year to write them a note once every six months. I might as well ask for their mailing addresses and buy stamps, honestly.
I honestly don't know. I have been looking around and basically everyone wants $20-45 USD a month because I have 1000 subscribers and they're offering all this stuff that I don't use. or I could use them, I suppose, since I'll have them anyway. But I don't really...want to? I just want to write an email, promise i'll write another one sooner than the last time, and then...not do that.
Take a look at Mailerlite. They have a free plan and I *think* it was still free for around 1000. I'm on the cusp between 500-1000 so I'm pretty sure I looked at those numbers and it was free. Also interested because I'm considering integrating direct sales into my program in 2024 and Mailerlite is supposed to integrate nicely with BookFunnel (for an ebook delivery mechanism).
You suggest running away and giving ground to Nazis. Allowing them to platform and mainstream Nazism. First rule of Fascism Resistance is Do Not Comply. Timothy Snyder. You typed up all the relevant information you believed to be needed. Explanations take time. You are very thorough and it’s appreciated. I We Persist to Resist. Substack will have to kill my account like Xlon Xusk did countless times. Ok 5. I think. 🤔 I signed back up under an alias. I we had used our Stephanie Anne Trump name. People thought I was JOKING about being a Trump. 🤦🏻♀️. It’s literally the story of our Life. People don’t believe the words we say.
WWII taught us how to handle Nazis.
There was an entire war fought with Nazis over their ideas in which an estimated 15-20 million people died and resulted in the military and political defeat of Nazis and their ideas. One would think that should be enough for the head of Substack.
Also wanted to add I enjoy your writing so much that if you choose to move elsewhere, I would follow.
Thanks for explaining. I'm one of the people who is on Substack because you are, but I'm reaching the jump off point for Substack. I understand that your email list is portable, so I hope that if I jump before you do that our connection isn't severed for very long.
My calculus is this: It's a Nazi bar now, because of the bar owner. That's not going to change. I have to vote with my small beer.
What's with all the profanity and ad hominems on the part of the nominal good guys here in this debate! I'm reading a lot of "shit" language tossed around. Maybe, just maybe, that vehemence can be vented in a different manner?? Shock value grabs attention, true, but there is such a thing as stimulus extinction and all the cursing gets old, tired and banal pretty fast. A good cause, so why self-marginalize? Think!
This isn't a debate. That's sort of my whole point. And if you need nice language to choose a good cause, you, not the language, are the source of that cause's marginalization.
Please enjoy this essay on the difference between profanity and obscenity.
Thanks for the quick response,! No, I view the issue as advocacy. Fascism must be opposed,there's no debate. Tactics are all important. In my younger years I took to the streets and was tear gassed on several occasions, at another time I was held in a pen with my. brothers and sisters and. have the police walking around taking our photographs. These were badges of honor in the old days
and we.too threw f-bombs around liberally. Those were the tactics then. But looking back I see they were faulty. We marginalized and trivialized our selves, but far worse, as its representatives, we trivialized our cause. We actually strengthened the reactionaries and they rose to power on our arrogant contempt for the sentiments of the People. Nixon, Reagan, Trump, the current supreme court-- all our faulty tactics.. don't let the righteousness of your cause blind you to our mistakes. Don't self marginalize. Consider who you must bring to your side. Think! ..
To attempt a reasonable reply to my own rhetoric: "Ah, the Old Left is heard from! You are all a spent force. Tell your war stories to each other in the nursing home! Your times are not ours. We don't care for your Port Huron statements or your peace symbols. Your times are past. Your tactics were flawed, possibly. But we of this time will decide OUR tactics, not you. You should be the ones to think! For all your protests, all your direct actions, just what did you achieve? NOT A DAMN THING, flower children. Why on earth should we listen to you?
Fair enough. I rest my case and stand by my advice.
One last worth of caution to the new left. It's worth pondering.
Debs was relevant in his time, was jailed, ran for President. He was a man of the people. He really desired their uplifting from forces that oppressed them. In every way he could, he worked to achieve their prosperity, peace, and freedom. Yet his loved people never chose him. He never was elected President. Was Debs wrong or were the people? American progressives must always face this koan. Until we solve it, we are defeated generation after generation. We don't understand the true power. Not understanding it, we again and again repeat our past mistakes.
"we are defeated generation after generation."
Are we? I mean, sure, if your goal was Socialist States of America, I guess you could say we didn't win that one, but do you not see any wins by American progressives in all your time on this Earth?
Nothing major I see. But there is incremental progress I think. A
series of small victories, the reactionaries are being pushed back. The conservatives are increasingly losing touch with the people, I hope, as they continue their implosion into marginality.. they have become extremists and the extremes are by definition out on the margins... Like my generation they are being left behind by demographics alone. When the boomers and their children are gone their power should be much diminished. But don't ever underestimate the Right- it's ranks are continually replenished by the young and ambitious and they are sbdolute masters in marketing and gaming the system.
I wouldn't have minded Socialism. It is a scare word the Right trots forth year after year, but isn't it just another word for fairness? When you and your sister sit at a table and your mother puts a cake in front of you and says, "Divide it." Is it fair that the bigger of you two, take the lion's share? That's all that Socialism ever seeks, the fair distribution of utilities and justice. I wouldn't mind a socialist America at all. And no, it wouldn't be the Socialist States of America, it would still be the USA, just a kinder, gentler version.
The thing about "defeat nazi ideas in the marketplace of ideas" always leaves out is that the whole fucking world put nazi ideas on trial and found them abhorrent enough to put most of the nazis to death. I'm pretty sure we soundly defeated nazi ideas last time they were given a marketplace.
Though to push analogies further, unlike the finality of a trial (after appeals are exhausted, anyway… cue Hamlet to say something about the law's delay), the marketplace is always ready to serve up a sequel.
One substacker I follow (OK Doomer) moved to ghost... you should check her out...
“which keeps the Nazi voices sequestered to their part of the platform, and this may be true enough for now, I suppose”
Unfortunately it is not. I actually suspect their algorithm is set to drive engagement via pushing offensive content. I base this on the number of times truly heinous bullshit under the guise of the “just asking questions” type of libertarian dudebro edgelord techbro pseudo intellectual styled writer is shoveled at me via “recommendations.”
This despite my subscriptions, paid and otherwise, being 100% *truly liberal* in orientation.
I don’t like the idea of nazi tolerating (at BEST and most GENEROUS interpretation) people getting a thin dime of my money. But I’m also not willing to leave you or the other writers I want to support high and dry.
I keep running into little Eichmanns (Eichmänner?) in comments, and blocking them doesn't seem to prevent that
You said exactly what I was feeling/thinking much better.
It's been a lifelong dream for me to be a writer and when the opportunity landed in my lap earlier this year, I went for it. I found a fucking amazeballs community here that gave me so much support and inspiration and where my biggest cheerleaders when I announced that two of my stories had been accepted for publication next spring. I still have my day job, but I've spent the past few days taking down my work. I'll keep writing and submitting stories but I'm not going anywhere else for now. Like you, I'm furious at Substack for forcing my hand.
Good luck in whatever you decide to do.
Very well written. I'm following you to see if you come up with a new platform, as I'm moving soon as well. My gramma had a saying "If you lie with the dogs, you'll end up with fleas."
I'm leaning towards self-hosting. Although the friction is a bit more than just a migration like "from Substack to XYZ", it also removes any possibility of that target platform sliding down the enshittification slope. With RSS still working, software that can automatically send out emails, and OSS podcasting packages, I'm thinking it's possible to self-host both blog and podcast. Then again, I'm just one small voice, just a gamer who shares their joy every now and again, not my income, so that is possible for me to do.
Good luck to you in 2024!
To follow up on my prior post:
Different levels of writing for different readers?
* What has a Nazi done for me lately?
* Review the fallacies in Heidigger's intro to Nazism in his unpublished seminars.
Most of what I would say has been said above. I’ll be following you wherever you go, because I think what you have to say is really worth reading. I am disappointed in Substack and its principals. I’ll leave and not look back.
Great essay, thanks.
My understanding is it comes down to their funding model. VC funding means they must make money and cannot afford to be principled.
To be clear i am against this model and its implications
Simplistic and aspirational thought: Too bad we can't each of us reading here open a substack on why the Nazis are horrible and write daily about that. What platform isn't going to be going down the X-hole at some point? (I think I am just summarizing here what others have said, I just read the post.)
Nazi ideas reveal intentions, intentions drive actions, actions involve violence. Your slippery slope argument cuts both ways, doesn't it? If Substack grants your wish and boots today's "Nazis," what happens next? We know perfectly well, because we've seen this picture before. The mob will be back tomorrow with a list of "Nazi-adjacent" writers to boot next. By this time next week, the site will read like a UN press release, with only the emptiest pieties allowed.
Or perhaps you'll demand a more activist editorial slant? Antifa taught us all that the slope between ideas and violence may indeed be slippery as you suggest. The "anti-Fascists" turn out to be thuggish brownshirts, indistinguishable from what they nominally oppose. It's a curious moment to label yourself an "anti-Nazi."
It is almost 2024 and we now have to entertain “first they came for the Nazis” discourse. What a sad state of events.
Since you profer this argument:
«We know perfectly well, because we've seen this picture before.»
May I ask what is this particular picture and where have we seen it before?
And please, I am not asking about encroachment of freedom of speech in the name of security. We have seen that many times, including in Nazi Germany.
I am asking about the curtailment of Nazi propaganda in particular leading to this sort of slippery slope you're describing, because I can't think of any time this has happened.
An even more curious moment to label yourself as "anti-anti-Nazi," and to set your sights on anti-fascism and antifascist movements.
Anyway, if you expect me to address your nonsense point-by-point, you'll have to take it to Twitter, where I do it for free. If you want to do it here, I'm going to have to insist you sign up for a paid subscription.
You don't even offer a mild challenge, and someone with even a bit of perception can see that engaging with you as a serious person would be a waste of time. That might be why you've been looking for such a long time.
I can't say it's been nice knowing you, but at least it's been short.
I absolutely want to keep reading you so even though I have been quietly unsubscribing from a lot of substacks I'm keeping this one so I can find out where you go.
I'm trying to solve this problem for myself, because tinyletter is shutting down and I decided to move in the new year. and then substack went and pulled this shit and thanks for doing it before I shuffled my subscribers over here? but I don't know where I can put 998 subscribers (literally that's the number) anywhere that isn't going to *cost me money* to the tune of hundreds of dollars a year to write them a note once every six months. I might as well ask for their mailing addresses and buy stamps, honestly. $9 for 1000 but it jumps to $29 1000-5000. Buttondown offers free easy migration FWIW. Many features.
yeah. the problem is that i said I had 998 subscribers, so i got some joins and now I have 1003 subscribers.
I haven't tried it, but many recommend it.
Maybe Mailerlite? I'm looking at it.
I honestly don't know. I have been looking around and basically everyone wants $20-45 USD a month because I have 1000 subscribers and they're offering all this stuff that I don't use. or I could use them, I suppose, since I'll have them anyway. But I don't really...want to? I just want to write an email, promise i'll write another one sooner than the last time, and then...not do that.
Take a look at Mailerlite. They have a free plan and I *think* it was still free for around 1000. I'm on the cusp between 500-1000 so I'm pretty sure I looked at those numbers and it was free. Also interested because I'm considering integrating direct sales into my program in 2024 and Mailerlite is supposed to integrate nicely with BookFunnel (for an ebook delivery mechanism).