Who needs the fussy specifics of this, that, or the other religion, when we can’t even get the one part, consistent across all those regimented, codified and politicized spiritualities, right:
Do nothing to another you would not want done to yourself.
The golden rule. So simple a concept, so hard to practice.
Who needs the fussy specifics of this, that, or the other religion, when we can’t even get the one part, consistent across all those regimented, codified and politicized spiritualities, right:
Do nothing to another you would not want done to yourself.
The golden rule. So simple a concept, so hard to practice.
Who needs the fussy specifics of this, that, or the other religion, when we can’t even get the one part, consistent across all those regimented, codified and politicized spiritualities, right:
Do nothing to another you would not want done to yourself.
The golden rule. So simple a concept, so hard to practice.