But here is the kicker: he accused me for being a complacent member of the status quo for advocating for understanding the position of erstwhile biden supporters, while he, a marginalized person, could not and would not tolerate the great privilege of anyone undisciplined enough to fail to put all other considerations aside and get biden elected for the overarching goal of preventing the end of democracy. And, OK: i see that. But things are getting twisted like the girders of the collapsed bridge when intersectionality becomes an excuse for ignoring crimes against humanity.

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As the gaza genocide was starting the NYT published a thoughtful piece on Black Americans who were considering not voting for Biden because of American culpability in the genocide. At the same time, an acquaintance reposted tweets lambasting anyone for not voting for biden no matter what, as you say pre-blaming them for trump’s eventual coronation.

My thought was that, setting aside the moral question for a moment, from a purely political perspective a better approach would be to convince Biden to change course and prevent the unfolding crimes against humanity, rather than heap scorn and derision on those who could no longer stomach voting for someone so deeply implicated in a great tragedy that was extremely personal to these voters.

It seemed to me that biden, again from simply a political reckoning, was way way way behind the curve: the death toll was ramping up; did he really want to be implicated in whatever that death toll would be a month, two months, three months down the line? Did he really believe wringing his hands while signing off on delivering bombs would be an adequate response ?

But suggesting even the practical notion that biden was risking his own reelection to prop up netenyahu was so outrageous to my acquaintance that he didn’t just start shouting - he started screaming at me, descending to personal insults. So yes there will be shouting.

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These are such slippery ideas, so difficult to get to, especially when there are so many people shouting that if your position isn’t exactly like theirs you are a sellout or worse. Thank you for putting them down here. This is a terrific piece.

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Here's my 2 scents...

The workers needed a singular ear piece so as to get warning.

They all would of lived, they were already in vehicles

I will keep saying this till hopefully someone saves somebody else's life with this simple implementation.

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You said all the things swirling in my head. I keep trying to convey to others that we are all part of The Thing That is Coming and that The Thing That is Coming is actually ancient and now poised for its consequential climax. The masks are off, the knives out, and the corruption a spouting geyser raining down on us all.

So it goes living within the culture of empire.

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A not insignificant number of the 75 million who voted for Trump can be persuaded to vote for someone else or stay home. They are an essential part of any anti-Trump coalition, although if you actually talked with one of them, the odds you would feel moved to call them a fascist are quite high.

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I find the prospect that I have not actually talked to Trump voters amusing.

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I don’t doubt you talk to people who vote for Fascists. I’m just surprised if the conversations don’t end with you calling them a Fascist, telling them to go fuck themselves, punching them in the nose, or very much wishing someone else would. (Please don’t block me. I appreciate your writing though we disagree about many things.)

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