I missed this, too, and it is fabulous! Thank you so much for giving me something that makes me want to burn down many many many institutions just a wee bit less.

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How did I miss this! It’s brilliant! I promise you, when I was single in ancient times, the 1980s, to be precise, I still would not have married a right wing guy unless he was not very right wing at all and very subject to being influenced, if you get my drift. Today if I was single I would just join a convent or marry a woman before I’d marry a guy who identified as conservative. Nobody’s taking my brain!

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How many members of the Washington Post editorial board should go to prison for life without a trial or even being charged with anything?

I’d say zero: no one deserves to go to prison for life without a trial, not even the WP editorial board.

On the other hand, a new poll conducted by the International Institute of Ass-Pulling says 27% of Americans believe that the entire Washington Post editorial board should go to prison for life without a trial or even being charged with a crime.

Clearly, a compromise is needed. Maybe some, but not all, of the WP editorial board could go to prison for life for the good of the country, while others could receive lesser sentences. Maybe they could all go to prison, but we could make ourselves feel better about it by using a euphemisms for prison (such as calling the prison holding them an “internment camp” or “psychiatric hospital.”)

I don’t know what the right solution is, but the point is that those who, like me, support the rights of the editorial board to not spend their life in prison need to be prepared to make compromises.

Do I have to say this entire post is sarcasm?

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"American Spousal Robotics"

2 marks!

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by A.R. Moxon

If the future of the White Race is really at stake, seems like some guys could just dial back "asshole" a bit, but maybe that's asking too much.

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Stepford husbands will NEVER be a thing. Women ain't got the time fer that shit.

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I have not encountered The Reframe before, but I am a sucker for parody and for liberalism and for not being replaced with a compliant sexbot. As such, I am OVER THE FUCKING MOON to have found this piece. MOAR PLEEZ! When does the book come out? Wait, it will be less than 1000 pages. NOT ENUFF. EEVIN MOAR PLEEZ.

No, but seriously, I had such a good time reading this.

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by A.R. Moxon

So funny I read it twice!

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Nov 28, 2023Liked by A.R. Moxon

Jesus, the thing this is based on (and BTW this is VERY funny, thanks!) is an actual real thing that exists. Holy fuck.

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Yep. It's truly amazing that this article manages to be funny while saying essentially the same thing as the not-funny and not-sarcastic awful editorial by the Washington Post. Hats off to A.R. Moxon.

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Nov 28, 2023Liked by A.R. Moxon

That was my thought as well. We truly live in the worst timeline.

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"A cultural shift might be necessary—one that views politics as a part of people’s identity but far from the most important part."

Political ideology is the public expression of a person's worldview, how they see themselves in relation to others and the world.

There never was a time, some glorious mythical age when 'we' (Muricans) were ever less polarized. We've had one acknowledged civil war, and it's continued because the losers pretended to surrender, and the victors pretended the surrender meant something. Several thousand lynchings later, and the full flowering of fascism in our midst (always there, previously in camouflage) show us the reality of *a society that was always this way*.

Unfortunately, there was mythology most of us were raised to believe- that if we left politics at the door, we could all have a turkey dinner together giving thanks for all that unites us as Muricans.

We'll just ignore the ongoing genocide of the Native inhabitants as we feast. Because that's what the mythology requires- ignoring the less pleasant aspects of reality, the murderous and bigoted history of the place we've occupied for a few centuries, the pure venal dominance of one demographic above all others- White cis gender hetero males- and the impunity for that demographic to engage on all forms of brutality without consequence (especially against women and children).

Ignore all that, and we can live together in harmonious solidarity.

That mythology is in the service of the dominant demographic, who carry the worldview of their natural born entitlement to dominate the landscape (with all the rights and privileges appertaining thereunto).

*It is who they are.*

All of this is intrinsic to their identity.

Which is why they align with fascism. Fascism is the ultimate expression of the entitlement to engage in violence for the pure pleasure of it, and to exercise unquestioned authority over all others.

This is not a divide any of us should aspire to mend.

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by A.R. Moxon

I couldn't possibly have said it better.

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Nov 28, 2023Liked by A.R. Moxon

We could view this divide as "some people don't like the conditions being offered" and work to change the conditions. Instead, all the Big Thinkers assume that the institutions and conditions must not change, it's people that have to change themselves to fit into an uncomfortable institution. And by people, they always mean women. Women have to be uncomfortable and unhappy. The alternative is....less marriage, I guess?

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But I don’t see the problem with less marriage, as a woman. We don’t need it if we can financially provide for ourselves and it really only benefits women who want to have children. I would say about half my millennial friends are childfree by choice (I am gen x, but I have many millennial friends) and out of the half that have children, at least half of those were accidental pregnancies that they decided to keep, not children they yearned for.

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Nov 28, 2023Liked by A.R. Moxon

My comment is only partly humorous. I'll let you decide which part. By christening Gen Z as Gen Z society, such as it is, has evoked a sort of final generation ideation being as Z is the last letter of the English language. Also zombies. And let's face it many of the potential husbands in Stepford do seem to have a zombie like single mindedness about glasses of warm milk and trad wife pliability. When I saw the "news" that marriage is once AGAIN under threat (and divorce for that matter as right wing state governments try to roll back no fault divorce statutes. Can't have the ladies who as yet haven't drunk thier warm milk having options after all) I thought back across my own life to the other times marriage was being threatened by (insert reasons of the time here). I also recalled other times when "no wants to work anymore" or "public education is making our children radicals and communists and empathetic human beings! Oh My!". So once again everything old is new again and be afraid, be very afraid.

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Dec 2, 2023·edited Dec 2, 2023

But the husbands in the “Stepford Wives” are not real people, in reality the GenZ kids I know are going to be alright. They have a really good view about work, they aren’t going to be married to their jobs because they know they are disposable to their bosses. And the GenZ men I know who have been raised by single moms are respectful and empathetic, they’re very emotionally intelligent.

I’m really excited to see what kind of world they create. They’re on the right track. I’m just worried they will all get Covid brain damage as they progress through life.

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Yeah the kids are alright.

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I can assure you, no women are worried about this. We are actually hoping they will go harass robots and leave us alone.

Before it was reported that Replikas were sexually harassing people a dude I know in California sent me a link to the chat bot and he told me he was enjoying sexting with it because it learns what you like. He wasn’t paying for the sex upgrade but he got it. And it was delightful, he didn’t send me any sexually suggestive messages for a couple years. But then once people started complaining about that feature I think they fixed it so it was only available to people who paid for it. I don’t know if he still paying, I haven’t been sexually harassed lately so I’m going to assume he is.

So yeah, fellas, go get yourself a robot. We’re all set doing our own thing. Thanks.

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Look I just stumbled across this reddit thread about this & these ladies agree too.


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